
#MeToo has become so viral that I am now cautious about shouting out an emphatic Me Too! when agreeing to statements. Its great that its viral and all, great about the awareness its creating – what does it mean though? I rather think, its more of a #whohasnt where girls are concerned. If being flashed upon constitutes harrassment then who hasn’t indeed.

I remember multiple occasions when perverted individuals decides to show off parts of themselves normally not appreciated by viewers, though its interesting how little female flashers there are. Could it be that guys hesitate and struggle emotionally and keep the fact to themselves after being flashed upon? NAH!  I rather think the reaction is different and most guys laugh it off instead. So, could it be that women have a “prey” mentality that makes flashers prey on us. Because i cannot imagine what would be the outcome of a flash. It is highly doubtful to me when you chance upon a flasher , the tune of “Lets get it on- Marvin Gaye” plays in your heads. If so, may i suggest being treated for nymphomania?
Remembering those days , we would discuss among our classmates what to do – some of the wiser ones advised to just point and laugh. In retrospect you could also borrow the classic opening scene from Terminator and ask “Wash day eh?” Though often the best course of action is inaction pretend not seeing, and hightail out of there pronto. Its also not a good idea to stop and suggest to flashers an alternative career in nude modelling.

Where groping is concern, if you ever take public transportations where you are often crammed like sardines in cans, chances are #whohasnt either. The opportunists lurking around seizes opportunities. I had two unfortunate encounters, the first taking me by surprise because of the unexpectedness. A preverted creep kept inching closer and started to brush against me, repeatedly. . So there is a good reason we have heavy schoolbags and i had one of those rucksack ones which is incredibly useful for swinging backwards knocking the be-jeezus out of the perpetrator, who in his guilt did not say anything.

The second occurrence was when i was sitting down, a pervert tried to grope me my pretending to lose his balance while standing. Books again came to the rescue , thank god for subjects with big books like geography or even better with hard covers, I tucked one under my arm and proceeded to smash his wandering hands to the seat locking it there while increasing the pressure by leaning backwards. Needless to say the bloke at worst had fractured fingers  or numbed hands from the encounter. I guess the point is, under some circumstances,  maybe its possible not to be a helpless victim. Maybe all it takes is to have an educational chapter for boys and girls in puberty ages to note explicit correct and incorrect behaviours. Or to teach changes in the behaviour of victims to shout out like you normally would say, if someone steps on your foot.
The #metoo movement started off as an awareness campaign of unwanted sexual advances of all forms but it also rolled onto an awareness regarding disparity of salary packages between genders. Everything actually contributes to a big picture theme “you can choose not to be a victim and it’s time to fight back”


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