About Me

Hello Everyone,

I am extending a very warm welcome to my small Corner of the World Wide Web.

Writing a Blog is something I have put off for a very long while due to always not having time or focus to get started.

Now… I can combine my three passions in one Goal, Photography, Travel and Writing in my Own Blog. (Go! Me!)

So, what makes this blog special ? In my research I go to other very inspiring travel blogs and they are done by really talented people who are mostly doing travelling for long periods of time. I like to think of this blog, as more like Clark Kent and alter-ego Superman.

I have a boring office job by day (kidding!- it is rather the opposite, challenging and stimulating) and some weekends or extended weekends are then for travelling around absorbing experiences from new places. To date I have visited 6 continents and 51 countries. Hence, the name of my blog “Ze Weekend Traveller” – what I normally focus on is intensive research  which I am sharing in each place I visit,  in order to make the most of the time, checking out things that I really want to see in as cost-effective method as possible.

Don’t get me wrong – I am always up for some luxury on my holidays – but I am selective in the spending too much un-necessarily on something I don’t need on my trip.

So I would really like to hear if you have Feedback and Comments to help me improve along the way.

The photos that I post are mostly from me. You can use them , but I just ask for a little shout-out to this blog site, if you think they are nice enough to use.

Thanks for dropping by !

With Warm Wishes,


“Getting Lost can lead to the Pleasure of finding your way back”


My Favourite Moments!

Mykonos cruise stop; answers to where the ship stops and how to get to the iconic Mykonos town

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinmykonos

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Ready to visit Bodrum Turkey as the next destination? Here is a sneak preview.. Follow for more of Bodrum to come.

#adelevisitsturkey #zwtinbodrum

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The Street of Knights lets one walk the footsteps of people of the past and view it through their eyes.

For the video link below: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6lmPCIj4jg&t=60s

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinrhodes

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And so starts some pictures from the medieval city of Rhodes which has been put on the Unesco World Heritage list since 1988.

Follow along to see some amazing architecture from long ago.

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinrhodes

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Looking down from the top to see our floating hotel, transport and entertainment centre waiting for us.

We went with #virginvoyages #resilientlady around the #greekisles .

Follow along as we visit Rhodes

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinsantorini

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The last of my Santorini photo post before moving on to the next Greek Island of Rhodes. This is another iconic view with a peek of the windmills in the distance.

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinsantorini

If you are interested to get the locations of the photos I have posted of Santorini : I will be giving out a mini photo book with the information on 18 July 2023.

Just send an email to adele@zeweekendtraveller.com with the title "Santorini photo locations" to get your free copy.

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Is Santorini a photographer`s dream ? It was definitely for me a great activity to hunt for great photo spots and have memorable photos to bring home with me.

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinsantorini

If you are interested in Greece travel, you can check out longer form videos in high quality on my Greece playlist

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Oh the beauty of Santorini is also in the decorations and the colour contrasted doors with it`s white washed facade.

Who would like to take a picture here ?

Read all about it https://zeweekendtraveller.com/index.php/europe/greece/seeing-santorini-in-a-few-hours/

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinsantorini

Amoudi Bay viewed from Oia in Santorini. You get some nice restaurants by the waterfront - and a small port bringing people to Oia.

You might want to add this bay to your list of places to visit.

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinsantorini

I could sit and enjoy this idyllic scene for a loooong time. The view of the caldera is just something special to see in the world.

Is seeing Santorini part of your bucket list ? If you were already there, how did you like it ? Let me know in the comments.

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinsantorini

One thing is for sure there are plenty of steps in the village of Oia. In my excitement to photograph "everything, everywhere and all at once" - I remembered too late that whoever goes down must walk the stairs all the way back up. 😂

Aren`t the little shops cute by the way ?

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinsantorini

Famous viewpoint of the three blue domes. Be prepared for a queue of people lining up here.

Some take the photo from this side and some from the opposite side. Either way it`s just so darn pretty.
That is why it`s so popular and some patience is required as it is one of the hotspots for a photoshoot you know the one with the flying dresses...

Would you be willing to wait in queue for this shot ? Let me know in the comments.

Read all about it https://zeweekendtraveller.com/index.php/europe/greece/seeing-santorini-in-a-few-hours/


The hilltop villages of Santorini from the top are super impressive. Houses, shops built on the cliff slope of the caldera is quite a sight.

I will be posting a new picture each day of Santorini for this series. Don`t forget to check back if you are a fan of this special place.

If you want to know options how to get from the old port to the top, read the blog post for tips

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinsantorini

Santorini looks like snow capped mountain and instead of snow are the white villages. What an amazing sight from this viewpoint, don`t you agree ?

Stick around for the next series of photos and reels of Santorini.

#zeweekendtraveller #adelevisitsgreece #zwtinsantorini

If you are visiting Heraklion , the capital of Crete , Greece , these are some ideas of things to do there. We had a couple of hours which was used to see ancient ruins, the town center and also the lovely beach.

Do you have some special interest place to see in Heraklion, let me know.


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Sarajevo Old Town

Visiting Sarajevo

-Europe.Bosnia.Sarajevo- Sarajevo has always just been a little out of reach for me, but I never forgot that it is on my to-visit list. I

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Ban Josip Jelačić Square

A visit to Zagreb

-Europe.Croatia.Zagreb- Zagreb as the capital of Croatia is often overlooked by the country’s more popular coastal destinations. However if you have a day or even

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